The things which we get from mother cow directly or
indirectly and useful for human world. Gavya found from mother cow- (1) milk,
(2) curd, (3) ghee, (4) urine and (5) dung.
Though there are numerous endowments from vedic cows, her five products
are considered to be the most significant for health and spiritual advancement.
Milk (दूध): Milk is the foremost and easily recognizable product and can be
taken as synonym of cow. If a cow does not give milk, she is treated as of no
worth! According to Ayurveda, cow milk provides special and unique nutrition
that cannot be derived from any other type of food. Milk of white cows are
beneficial in liver ailments, milk of brown cow has huge effect on all types
of Vaat Rogas whereas the milk of black cow can be used to
treat respiratory diseases and lung ailments. A black cow whose udders are also
black produces milk of infinite medicinal qualities and therefore can be
utilized for treating vast spectrum of physical and mental disorders. Cow milk,
when digested properly, nourishes all the tissues, promotes balanced emotions,
and helps to balance all the doshas (defects). It is one of
the most important foods to promote Ojas (the force that
maintains life).
Curd (दही): Curd is a byproduct of cow milk. All the leading practitioners of
Ayurveda, including Charaka and Sushruta, have written on its qualities and
usefulness. It is considered as one of the most wholesome food items throughout
the world. Curd has its therapeutic value in many diseases. It has been
described as a tonic and is credited with the properties that prevent premature
aging. Curd also brings relief to patients of diarrhea and dysentery and is
recommended in chronic specific and non-specific colitis.
Makkhan (मक्खन) / Ghee (घी): Makkhan is
wrongly called butter these days. Think of bread and roti. Bread
can be called as English translation of roti but the process,
properties and effects are entirely different. Same thing is between Butter
and Makkhan.
Makkhan is made by churning the curd while butter is made (these days) by
separating the cream from raw unheated milk. Ghee is prepared
by heating makkhan after filtering water and milk solids from
it. Ghee is cream to yellowish in color depending upon cow’s
breed and the time of the year.
In Ayurveda, cow’s Ghee is believed to be the best for
human consumption. It is full of nutritive qualities and an ideal diet for
these heart patients who suffer due to excessive cholesterol in their blood.
Its regular consumption enhances physical and mental strength, keeps the body
healthy and increases the potency of the body. It is not only nutritive, but
also helps in taking out the impurities from the body. It enhances eyesight,
keeps muscles and tendons healthy, and bone sturdy yet supple.
Dung (गोबर): As the name says, गो-बर , it’s the benediction from cow. It is anti-septic
and has anti-bacterial and fungicidal action. A filtrate of the suspension made
by thoroughly mixing cow dung and water forms one of the main ingredients of
skin ointments, which are useful in serious skin conditions like psoriasis,
eczema and gangrene. Cow dung has provided man with fuel for millennia and used
it as fertilizer. It may be used as a seed protector, a heat source (cow dung
is naturally hot – compost makes it hotter and it is put into glass-houses to
heat them or run pipes through to get hot water). It is employed as a purifier
(natural antiseptic qualities), floor coating, mud brick additive (improves
resistance to disintegration), a skin tonic (mixed with crushed neem leaves);
the smoke is a mosquito repellent, dung is a pond pH balancer. Cow dung is also
used in cases of malaria, itching, snake-bite, burns, dental problems like
pyorrhea and cholera. Cow dung cakes have been traditionally used by villagers
in India as a common fuel, along with firewood. Cow is the only animal whose
dung doesn’t stink and rather gives good smell. We can generate energy from its
manure. Its manure is used as a natural fertilizer. Also cows dung acts as
mosquito repellent.
Urine (गोमूत्र): Cow’s urine has been described in Ayurveda as a therapeutic agent.
The use of cow urine therapy, which is in use over the centuries as a
traditional ayurvedic practice, is gaining recognition and acceptability the
world over due to recent advances in research in this type of therapy. Cow
urine is very useful for curing Jaundice.
Gavyam pavitram ca rasayanam ca pathyam ca hrdyam balam buddhi syata
Aayuh pradam rakt vikar hari tridosh hridrog vishapaham syata
गव्यं पवित्रम् च रसायनम् च पथ्यम् च ह्रदयं बलं बुद्धि स्यत
आयुः प्रदम् रक्त विकार हरि त्रिदोश हृद्रोग विशपाहं स्यत
Cow urine is great elixir, proper diet, pleasing to heart, giver of
mental and physical strength, enhances longevity. It removes all blood
disorders. It balances bile, mucous and airs and is a remover of heart diseases
and effect of poison.
It includes 5 rasas i.e. it tastes bitter, hot (as in
chilly), sour, sweet and salty. It is in mode of goodness. It brings goodness
in thoughts. By drinking it regularly for six months, man’s nature comes in the
mode of goodness. It destroys mode of passion and ignorance. It purges out
toxins from the whole body through urine, sweating and excreta. It is destroyer
of psychological diseases.
Unfortunately, these days, people are chasing her for other atrocious 5
products, namely, Bark (Skin), Bod(Meat/Flesh), Blubber (Fat), Blood and Bone.
गोमाता से प्रत्यक्ष व अप्रत्यक्ष प्राप्त होने वाले गव्य जो मानव जगत के लिये उपयोगी है। गोमाता से प्राप्त गव्यः-
(1)दुध (2)दही (3)घी (4) गौमूत्र (5) गौमय रस
(1)दुध (2)दही (3)घी (4) गौमूत्र (5) गौमय रस