Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Cow Colostrum (खीस)

Most of us must have heard about Cow Colostrum but few of us are aware about its details. In this article, we will first figure out what Cow Colostrum is then we will learn its miraculous results on our  health.

Colostrum is the pre-milk substance produced from all mammals at birth. True cow colostrum is the pre-milk in the udder when the calf is born. This true cow colostrum can be collected during the first milking within 16 hours after birth. After this it becomes transitional milk and after 5 days upon birth it turns into milk. Cow Colostrum is the "God of Medicine" according to the Indian mythology.(Source:  Cow Colostrum is highly laxative and digestible for infant. It is a natural safeguard against many deadly diseases for infant. Those people who could not afford colostrum in their childhood for any reason or those who fall sick oftenly can certainly opt for Cow Colostrum of Indian breed (A2 type milk). All organisms have similar genetic structures and some animals are only a few genetics away from being the same. Cows are 98% genetically identical to humans. With mammals, since our genetics are similar we can consume milk from different species. (For example, wolves, cats, dogs, humans, etc can all consume milk from goats, cows, etc.) In the same way, cow’s milk (Indian breed only) is beneficial, so is the colostrum. That is why Hindus regard Cow as their mother.

Colostrum gives our immune systems the extra boost it needs when we are born. It also provides same effects throughout our lifetime upon regular use. As we know, cancer is related to immune deficiency. When cells become mutated or damaged they continue to grow and spread out of control. This is known as cancer, the “growth of mutated cells”. This however, can only occur when the immune system is not working properly and the damaged cells take advantage of that. Cells are damaged all the time throughout the day and our immune systems are designed to keep them in check.

With a strengthened immune system our bodies can prevent cancer from even occurring. (That’s its job). So when the immune system is damaged or somehow lacking, colostrum can make it return into its natural state. Colostrum is full of antibodies, growth factors, immunoglobulins and other specific proteins that help regulate the immune system. Naturally it can help our body fight cancerous cells if they are present. If they are not, colostrum will help prevent cancer from even occurring. With proper healthy immune systems a body can fight off sickness and disease. Colostrum helps to regulate it to its natural healthy state.

1.Helps in healing skin externally in the form of reversing wrinkles.
2.It contains Prebiotic sugar chains which keep digestion in its optimum performance.
3.Cow colostrum contains Thymosin Alpha and Beta hormones which boost immune system and defend your health against infections and other chronic diseases.
4.Lactoperoxidase in cow colostrum helps in preventing gingivitis and is responsible for increasing white blood cells which combat with cancer cells in body.
5.Cow colostrum is rich in Lactobacilus Acidophilus bacteria family. Generally human body lacks this good bacteria due to poor diet or food habits or over medication. This bacteria plays important role in immune system.
6.Lactoferrin and Hemopexin in cow colostrum reduces excessive iron in blood.
7.Nucleosides boosts immune system and helps in desaturation of fats.
8.Proline rich peptides in cow colostrum has anti aging effect on body. It gives you a youthful complexion



  1. Quite informative article. Pl throw some light, how this product is commercially produced.

  2. जी श्रीमान जरुर. जैसे ही मुझे कुछ पता चलता हैं आपको जरुर बताऊंगा

    धन्यवाद्...अपने इस ब्लॉग में अपनी रूचि दिखाने के लिए
